Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Birth of Sequoia Marie

On February 9th 2007 Sequoia Marie was born. She weighed 6lbs 7ounces. She was 20 inches long. I went in for my 39 week appointment and was told that my blood pressure was too high and that I would be having the baby, probably by the next day. So Dave and I headed in to the hospital and my body actually started going into labor on its own. My water broke around 6 on the morning of the 9th. I got an epideral around 10am and had dialated to 10 cm by around 2:30. I waited for about an hour to start pushing to allow little Sequoia the oppurtunity to move further down the birth canal on her own. When I started pushing, it only took about 15 minutes. Sequoia was born at 3:51pm. It was absolutely amazing. Both Dave and I couldn't hold back the tears. It is such an amazing miracle. It is hard to believe that we are parents!

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